The British Aikido Board and the British BiranKai.
I have deleted most of the content of this item as the British Aikido Board threats to the London branch of the British Birankai have been successful - unlike similar threats to myself (Henry Ellis).
Below:Mr V Sumpter BAB Chairman........Ms Shirley Timms BAB Secretary.Many Aikidoka are aware of the controversy with the BAB,their threats and intimidation made to Henry Ellis Sensei at a time the BAB Executive were conspiring to fraudulently attempt to totally change the proud history and lineage of UK Aikido from its inception by Kenshiro Abbe Sensei in 1955. As everyone now knows, they failed miserably with a reprimand from `Sport England`.The BAB senior executives then resorted to very serious defamation of the character of Henry Ellis as detailed further down this page. The BAB were exposed by a disgusted member of their own executive team who had resigned.
Mr Sumpter the BAB Chairman was offended by comments on the London British Birankai web page. The comments were honest and frank. Mr Sumpter had initially demanded changes be made to the sites content, to which the British Birankai Chairman has rightfully refused, simply because, all of his statements are fact. It has long been a mystery as to what part of the word `fact` is so difficult for the BAB to understand. It now appears that the BiranKai have climbed down after threats and pressure from the BAB. The BAB tried this bullying tactic with Henry Ellis and they seriously came unstuck.
" BAB: The Chairman indicated to D Bath and the executive members that failure to modify the language and the tenor of the article would leave the chairman with no option but to formally table the matter for discussion at GM in May 3rd 2012."
Read these items in full on the BAB minutes dated 7th January 2012 here >BAB minutes
The BAB minutes and the London AikiKai page can be read in full by visiting the " BAB minutes".
British Aikido Board Setting the Standards.
From the BAB website;
"The Board seeks to further the advancement of all styles of aikido and to
establish and monitor standards of safety and behaviour for practitioners of
The photo from the KaiShinKai website is of the BAB chairman Mr V Sumpter 5th dan grading Bill Harris Sensei to 7th dan - Mr Sumpter was subsequently graded to 6th dan by Mr Harris.(more at bottom of this page)
Visit the "Aikido Articles Blog"->Aikido Articles
Anonymous or pseudonyms - comments will be automatically deleted
British Aikido Board - BAB = Bad at Budo - Ellis Aikido not associated with discredited org - We offer UK Aikidoka - public - BAB members - a seat in the home of Ms Timms, the BAB sec - where the exec meetings are held. Read the secret discussions as exposed by ex-BAB executive - discussions that were never entered in to the official B A B meeting minutes - The BAB embrace & approve Jack Poole more self graded 6th - 7th and 8th dans. Order your dan grade cert for Xmas now.
Thursday, 26 January 2012
Monday, 2 January 2012
British Aikido Board - EXPOSED
Shocking Revelations from Ex BAB Executive - At long last we now have the actual truth!
The Revelations along with Apology needs to be understand by each and every fellow member from the BAB in addition to Sport England
Ex-BAB Executive with a conscience now informs the truth!!! August 2009
Shocking Revelations from Ex BAB Executive - At long last – we have the truth!
“The Revelations and Apology should be read by every single member of the BAB and Sport England”
Ex-BAB Executive with a conscience now tells the truth!!! August 2009
A brief synopsis.
The controversy between the BAB / Henry Ellis / Jack Poole has been a long running affair despite on the 6th – July - 2004 Sport England instructing the BAB to publicly apologise to Henry Ellis. If the BAB had initially acted as a responsible governing body and held a public three way meeting between all three parties, as suggested by Henry Ellis, but abruptly denied by the BAB chairman Mr Vincent Sumpter, who offered instead a meeting “ in camera “ ( secret ) where they, the BAB, would simply act as observers / mediators, this offer was totally unacceptable. Henry Ellis considered the then BAB far more culpable than Mr Poole himself. Without the full support and protection of the BAB Mr Poole would not be in the embarrassing situation he finds himself today. Unbelievably, Mr Poole has continued to enjoy the full support of the BAB executive team, whilst Henry Ellis and Derek Eastman who are two of the last British Aikido pioneers, found themselves with little option other than to resign from the BAB, they were once proud MAC and founder BAB members.
Photo left Mr Toni Davies ex-BAB chairman Photo right Mr Jack Poole
BAB Act 6 ( Code of Conduct ) subsection a. No Member shall by act or omission bring the board, or Aikido in to disrepute……..
“””” BAB morals.. If a BAB member makes false or misleading claims of his or her grade / lineage, that person will receive the full support of the BAB complete with an achievement award… If however, any member dares to question those false claims, he or she will be abused resulting in a need to leave the BAB. “”””
Revelations from the Ex – BAB Communications Officer.
“I would stand in a court of law on this point happily! “
For legal reasons the name of the BAB Ex Exec is being withheld at this time – Sport England are fully informed.
From the (ex) BAB Communication exec Officer extract four.
Dear Mr Ellis,
I must finally tell you something, tell you the truth about who the dreadful rumours and vile-misinformation's about your good name came from. They came from Mrs Shirley Timms the BAB Secretary. There can be no doubt about this and I would stand in a court of law on this point happily. I believed I have heard her recounting with some glee that you were such an awful person that you were held on a GBH charge. Upon a further phone call from Ms Timms I was then informed that it was in fact not you, but your son, and, that I must have misheard what she said. She then prepared a letter of apology, and I was told to sign this and post it to you. That original letter was not written by me, it only contained my signature……. Signed Ex – BAB Executive.
<- bab="bab" br="br" left="left" ms="ms" photo="photo" s="s" secretary="secretary" timms="timms">
Job description of BAB Secretary… “Taking minutes at Executive and General Meetings, checking their accuracy with the Chairman, before copying and circulating them to Officers and Member Associations”
One can now correctly assume that Ms Timms blurred the lines of her professional duty as the BAB secretary along with her responsibilities to the BAB membership, by compromising her duties / friendship and close association with the Poole’s. “”” The ex – BAB Executive writes ( below ) “ The BAB executive did not consider the Poole affair of any importance, but Henry Ellis was perceived as a trouble maker “””” In a nutshell, It is OK with the BAB to create a false lineage and grades and attempt to change British Budo History, yet if a member raises a complaint, he / she, is considered a ` trouble maker ` “”” .
Henry Ellis recently received an email letter dated Aug 09 containing a sincere apology from the ex - “ BAB – Communications Officer ” and former member of the Executive team. The apology was accepted by Henry Ellis in good faith . Sport England are in possession of this article and all the facts, including the name of the BAB Ex Exec Officer. All emails supplied to me have complete tracking headers .
First - the Apology ( accepted )
Received from The (ex) BAB Communication Officer 6/9/09
Dear Henry,
I write this email to once and for all state that I am truly sorry for all of the distress caused to you by my email correspondence which contained information I now know to be complete lies and fabrications.
The basis for the lies came from various members of the then BAB Exec team. These meeting were held in both Solihull and Slough at the home of the BAB Secretary, Shirley Timm’s. None of the information discussed at these meeting was minuted in any detail with regard to you. It became apparent very quickly they were trying to recover themselves from a huge mistake they had made with regard to awarding Jack Poole an award for time in Aikido when he clearly had not been in Aikido this long. People turned against you in these meetings and started to bad mouth your good name and character with utter rubbish and fabrication. Shirley Timm’s was the basis and the main instigator in these lies with Tony Davis also adding false anecdotes and recounting tales which now quite clearly never occured. Sadly, I listened to these and believed them. I know now they are completely false.
With Regard,
The (ex) BAB Communication Officer
The Executive Clique behind Closed Doors – Silence is Golden!
Shocking !! At last, we are starting to see the full picture formulating of a group of people elected to the executive of the “ British Aikido Board “ at that time. The BAB are the recognised governing body for British Aikido, the exec hold meetings in the home of Ms Timms, plotting the defamation of the good name and character of Henry Ellis, and others, in a contemptible effort to protect themselves from being exposed for the inept group they truly are, whilst protecting themselves, they had no other option than to protect Mr Jack Poole. To the deliberately mis-informed membership, this would appear to be the BAB gathering around Mr Poole in full support. Of course the membership were of little concern to the then executive team, as we see from the email below sent by the chairman Mr Vincent Sumpter to the BAB communications officer.
Photo Mr V Sumpter
Email to the Communications Officer from the BAB chairman Mr Vincent Sumpter.
“ I think it was the opposite, actually. The BAB minutes of the meeting say nothing about the Poole Ellis affair - as they too go on to the web site. The decision was that we would say nothing and do nothing to help keep the subject up and running. Silence is golden we think. Vincent.”
Email from Mr Sumpter.
Subject Re: BAB – Approved 8th Dan ??
I’m totally with you on this one. The BAB does not give out or approve grades – that is purely an Association matter. The business of the “ Shihan “ title is another matter. I would be the first to say that only the Aikikai in Japan can “ officially “ award that title. But I doubt that – in translation – “ master “ we can stop anybody using the title in the UK. .That is, I don’t think there is copyright on the title..
“” Mr Sumpter is wrong, the BAB along with the previous chairman Toni Davies, approved everything that Mr Poole told the BAB, grades – history – lineage – Not only did they approve and fully condone Mr Poole’s fraudulent conduct, they gave him an award as a seal of their appreciation and public approval. “”
What one can clearly see from Mr Sumpter’s email above, is an example of the minutes of the meetings being manipulated to protect the BAB executives. Many BAB members actually believed Mr Poole’s claims, simply because of the staunch support of the BAB exec. This is clearly an abuse of the members trust and faith in this crass organisation.
According to the ex – communications officer, these defamatory conversations concerning Henry Ellis, took place, before / during / and after various meetings, many of these cosy meetings were held at the home of Ms Timms. These defamatory conversations were never minuted for the benefit of the membership, the chairman would later sign off the selected minutes as a true record of that particular meeting, as we can now clearly see, that is not so. I am sure that Sport England would frown upon this kind of mis-management…Henry Ellis
Here is an email from Grev Cooke BAB Coaching Admin Officer to the communications officer
Photo of Grev Cooke
From Grev Cooke
Shirley phoned tonight because She and Vince wish to put some statement about the Poole Ellis situation.
All I've said is the statement needs to irrefutable. There is also talk for requesting advice from a barrister. I've said that you will be the best person ask on any possible action we can take. Will be discussed on Saturday.
From Grev Cooke
Its like a deepening pit. I'm sure any official reply will generate another thread that will be twisted and berated by Ellis. How many replies has he posted. What a life, bitterer and bitterer.
ATB Grev
We can now see why the BAB never did place a statement on the BAB website, or take any legal action against Henry Ellis. The only statement that would be `irrefutable ` would have to be the truth ! hence no statement. They were now too busy running for cover. Mr Cooke accuses Henry Ellis of being bitter. It is not bitterness, but rather despair with people such as the likes of Mr Cooke, Ms Timms and Toni Davis running the then inept executive team of the BAB.- Henry Ellis
Here is another email from Mr Sumpter to the Communications officer. 23 – Aug - 2004
Thank you for your support .Just one thing, If anyone asks you what Mr Ellis is on about regarding an apology from you, please just say that it is a matter between you, the chairman and Mr Ellis. The need to know basis must prevail in case Mr Ellis really does go to his solicitor.
Email from the (ex) BAB Communication Officer to Henry Ellis - Extract Four.
“ Shirley Timms always made much fun that your copies of letters were unsigned by her and on normal paper photocopied etc. It seemed to give her purpose in life! “.
“” Ms Timms the official secretary to the UK Aikido governing body amuses herself by deleting her signature from any and all BAB related papers posted to Henry Ellis when he was still a member and head of the ESTA association, also a founder member of the BAB. Rather sad and unprofessional conduct “” Henry Ellis
It is sickening to see below in the following email from the ex – BAB Communications Officer, the good name of Ken Williams Sensei is used by the BAB exec. Williams Sensei was the UK’s and K Abbe’s first Aikido student in 1955. Williams Sensei is the most respected of all UK Aikidoka, he is being discussed during the carefully doctored minutes at these furtive meetings at the home of Ms Timms. Is this the kind of twisted legacy that we want to be left behind for future generations of Aikidoka ??….. Henry Ellis
“Which again, I know to be a complete pack of lies!”
From the (ex) BAB Communication Exec Officer extract one.
Dear Henry
I certainly at that time had no knowledge of the law but it would have been along similar lines of you (which you were not, let make that clear again) going around being the big bad guy sorting out other Aikido clubs upon instruction from Ken Williams, i.e.. you were likened to being the Aikido trouble-shooter and basically went to sort out all the wannabe's and charlatans. You broke people in those clubs and taught them a lesson. I'm afraid that to me, GBH and beating people up aren't that dissimilar, I had no idea GBH was second to murder and no one accused you of that. It was simply me thinking that ok, you beat someone up, got into trouble for it, got
off with it, but you also considered yourself the self appointed aikido judge with other clubs so, that to me, was worse than getting caught beating someone up, you used to do it all the time anyway! based on what I was told that is. Which again, I know to be a complete pack of lies. Cont; You were perceived by them ( BAB ) as a huge trouble maker, they did not think it was a huge issue with the whole Jack Poole thing. Again, this is before Vincent's time. I'll state this again for the record, nothing of what I have said or quoted in here is anything other than the truth and you NEVER were involved in any GBH charges.
How disgusting that the very people who are elected to the Executive of the BAB, the only approved governing body for Aikido within the UK, should act in such an unprofessional cavalier manner. The BAB did not think the Poole affair was a `big thing` but a person who questions the BAB and Mr Poole is perceived as a ` huge trouble maker ` These people have managed to keep this appalling behaviour from the very membership they represent by failing to maintain honest meeting minutes. These people are not the executives of a governing body, they are a crass clique.
We have emails from Dominic Foster, a man of action! Who proposes taking legal action and seeking the advice of barristers. Some may remember Dominic’s vague interest in the history of UK Aikido when he attended the “ Kenshiro Abbe 50th Celebration “ 2005 , this event was represented by Mr P Don of Sport England – The Japanese Embassy UK – Mr R Otani The President of the BJC, but not the BAB. Dominic states to a respected and honoured guest “ The true celebration is not today, it is in two years time ! “ one has to beg the question, if he really believed that to be the case ? what was he doing there on such a fantastic day ? 1000 people either viewing or on the mat, a mat full to total capacity with 425 students.
Another email from Grev Cooke showing his contempt for John Harding a long serving BAB senior member who had simply asked Mr Cooke a valid question. “””” I ignore Johns emails !!!! “”””” see Mr Cooke’s email below.
From Grev Cooke BAB Coaching Officer
“In this email I sent to all Tutors and Exec members , yourself obviously included? This email didn’t go to John Harding. When I’ve Emailed John before I try to be guarded in what I say. I know my emails will go to Harry Ellis!
I once asked John who I was actually speaking to ie him or Harry. Normally I ignore Johns Emails but in this case,
This was my reply shown. “ ( followed by a brief reply to John Harding )
( Yes ! John Harding did send Henry Ellis one email detailing his frustration with the BAB coaching system, an email which was a part of an email sent to all of his email contacts, he was concerned about something with the BAB coaching.
If the BAB were honest and open ? why would Mr Cooke “ try to be guarded “ in anything that is honest and open BAB policy ? What gives Mr Cooke the right to decide which member he will, or will not write to ? Once again we see by Mr Cooke’s example, the BAB exec members acting with total contempt for the membership who they are there to serve. and receiving a nice little members contributed honorarium for their time. I am sure that John Harding will now fully understand why he was treated in the disrespectful way he was by Mr Cooke and the BAB )
Amongst the many email copies I received, there was a reminder ( extract below ) of a misguided but rather touching email from Gary Masters, writing on behalf of the ` Ken Shin Kai, where he makes the following crass statement, which I am sure at this time must be most comforting and reassuring for both the BAB exec, Mr Poole - lets not forget Ms Timms.
The `Ken shin kai `Aikido Organisation supports the claims of Jack Poole and the decisions of the British Aikido Board UK!
From Gary Masters
To All that have unwillingly been dragged into this petty dispute by the previous mailshot,
The Ken Shin Kai Aikido Organisation UK supports the claims of Jack Poole and the decisions made by the British Aikido Board UK. Mr Ellis has damaged his own reputation and integrity by continually persecuting a fellow Aikidoka and questioning his lineage and history in the Art Of Aikido, to the point of obsession. As it contradicts a history being written by Mr Ellis himself. There are many Aikidoka in the UK and it is taken that they speak in truth and fairly about their lineage and history and grades held in Aikido. To question another Aikidoka on such matters is not in following with the true spirit of Aikido and achieves nothing for the positive development of the Martial Art of Aikido. Mr Ellis has not only questioned Mr Poole's integrity but he has decided to publicly persecute Mr Poole by publishing articles on multiple web sites and making statements at many Aikido Dojos which themselves cannot be confirmed as fact. He has never once taken the time or had the courage to speak on a mutual and friendly basis with Mr Poole regarding this matter. Live and let live, we say, and Mr Ellis should use his time better in the development of Aikido than in the persecution of fellow Aikidoka.
Ken Shin Kai - Yoshinkan Aikido Organisation UK
“” The above message from Gary Masters of the Ken Shin Kai organisation, is exactly the reason that I have been determined to get the true history of British
Aikido factually recorded. People like Mr Masters and other loyal but just as sadly misguided students of Mr Poole will churn out the above nonsense to support
Mr Poole despite his proven fraudulent biography. We owe it to the young students today and of the future to preserve the truth. signed Henry Ellis
The information / emails and insight into the workings of the BAB are provided by the Ex – BAB Exec Communications officer.
This documented article was prepared and published by Henry Ellis of the - `Ellis Schools of Traditional Aikido`.
The above information clarifies the fact that the BAB were fully aware of their error in their contemptuous support for Mr Jack Poole. Rather than face the BAB membership and admit their crass conduct, the exec decided to stand by their serious error of judgement along with Mr Poole. The only way to justify this stand would be the defamation of the good name of Henry Ellis. Over the years of this controversy there has been many rumours spread about Henry Ellis that are totally unfounded. Mr Ellis does not even have points on his driving licence never mind a criminal conviction.
Henry Ellis Shihan 6th Dan International Birankai
Ellis Schools of Traditional Aikido.>
Monday, 28 November 2011
3 - B A B - Members Survey - lol
Mr V Sumpter BAB Chairman>
The British Aikido Board - governing body for `some` UK Aikido - foolishly surveyed its membership, asking what they thought of them ?
Extract from the November 2011 British Aikido Board General Meeting minutes.
Members Survey.The questions was: “Does your NGB offer value for money?”
One of the answers
"Don’t give a shit about its members only themselves" (Traditional Club)
Henry Ellis & Derek Eastman were initially members of the highly respected `Martial Arts Commission` ( MAC ),the organisation that preceded the formation of the BAB.Later they became founder members of the BAB,with visions of all Aikido being in one family organisation of clubs and associations.It all started off so well with meetings around the UK at various member dojos,a buffet would be supplied by the host club.A time when all the original members `freely`gave their time and effort with no expectation of financial reward,other than the promotion of the BAB.
Today the BAB has become a ``clique`` where the executive members each take a slice of the ``members money``(£1,000 - honorarium )for their time. All the meetings are now held in Birmingham. To save money the executive have put an end to the customary buffet, remember that many member representatives travel hundreds of miles to attend these boring events. The BAB is now bogged down in its own cess-pit of bureaucracy.
______________________________________________________BRITISH AIKIDO BOARD_____________________________________________________
The Aikido Controversy
The Aikido Controversy is now a part of British Aikido History. It was a long and difficult fight to protect the true history of British Aikido from the false claims of Mr Jack Poole and The British Aikido Board. Sport England totally exonerated Henry Ellis. The BAB were instructed to give Henry Ellis a full public apology after admitting that Mr Poole had received an award to APPEASE him. The BAB also admitted that Mr Poole could only substantiate his history from 1968.
The Controversy
(Why such a controversy)
Two years ago I received a circular, via the British Aikido Board, inviting me to Mr Jack Poole's celebratory seminar of "47 years in Aikido". At that time this would have placed Mr Poole as the first ever for Aikido in the UK in 1952. This is a very serious statement and offencive to those like myself and others who took part in the birth of British Aikido, and its subsequent promotion. So why the controversy? Mr Poole was an immediate beginner in my Dojo at Slough, Berks, in 1968. One does not have to be a nuclear scientist to calculate that 1968 from 2000 is 32 years (not 47 years) However the British Aikido Board in its wisdom refused to answer my subsequent complaint, against Mr Poole's claim, and at the National Seminar 2000 awarded him a bronze samurai statue to celebrate his "40 plus years of Aikido".
The article that follows details these events and has been built up as the events unfolded.
Yours in Budo
Sensi Henry Ellis
For the history of British Aikido, read Sensei Ellis's article "Positive Aikido" in "Fighting Arts International".
The Final Analysis
On the 29th February 2000 Sensei Ellis sent an official letter of complaint to the British Aikido Board, the letter was addressed to the British Aikido Board secretary Mrs S Timms, subsequently Mrs Timms arranged a meeting at "The Hut" with Sensei's Foster, Ellis, Eastman, and Mrs Timms herself to discuss the matters detailed in the letter. It was agreed without doubt that no one had ever heard of Mr Poole prior to him being a beginner in Sensei Ellis's dojo in 1968.
At the British Aikido Board meeting held on the 23rd September 2000, the British Aikido Board executive denied having received the "official complaint" when the matter was raised by Sensei Derek Eastman. If the British Aikido Board executive did not receive the letter, why? It was as a result of this letter that the above meeting took place, so I will ask the question again, why was this important official letter that directly affects the history of British Aikido not placed before the whole of the executive committee?
In brief the evidence against Mr Poole that was offered to the British Aikido Board:
Sensei Ellis has not one photo of Mr Poole as a beginner in 1968 but several.
Both these photes clearly show Mr Poole as a beginner and were taken in 1968
A video taken in 1968, clearly showing Mr Poole as a beginner.
Witnesses to these dates:
> Chiba Sensei
> Ellis Sensei
> Eastman Sensei
> Goodwin Sensei
> Staverou Sensei
Students from that time.
When Mr Poole was asked by a senior member of the British Aikido Board "Jack, when and where did you actually start your Aikido", Mr Poole's reply was "errgh, I can't really remember when I started".
On the strength of that brief statement the British Aikido Board awarded Mr Poole with a fine samurai statue to celebrate our new leader.
Once again I repeat that the only reason for the controversy article being placed on our Internet site is not malicious but simply to protect the true history of Aikido in the UK.
As of today’s date, 13th October 2000, we have not yet received any advice from a lawyer as to any threatened action. We intend to keep the article on our website and if Mrs Timms and Mr Poole wish to contest the truth then we patiently await your legal response to change hard facts into fiction.
Jack Poole
And his forthcoming
"Celebration of 47 years of Aikido"
By Henry Ellis Sensei
The Controversy
Recently, I received a letter from the British Aikido Board, enclosed were the usual documents of a previous general meeting, amongst the papers was a A4 size photo of Mr. Poole, inviting everyone to the above celebration, including me. The content of the poster was of great concern to many others and me who shared in the birth of Aikido in Britain. If you have not read my story in "Fighting Arts International " No 93, and Aikido Today Magazine No 36, they are to be found on this web page.
Why all this concern?
As I have stated above, the history of Aikido in the UK is very well documented. Kenshiro Abbe Sensei introduced Aikido in 1955, his first student was Ken Williams Sensei, (see Aikido Today Magazine #43). From that early group of selected students, the only ones to survive are Williams sensei, Haydn Foster sensei, and myself Henry (Harry) Ellis. Williams sensei was made the National coach for Aikido in the UK, and I was the assistant National coach.
During those great early years, we traveled all over the British Isles, also to France and Belgium.
If we are to believe Mr. Poole’s claim to 47 years of Aikido, then this would place him back in the era of 1952/3, this is two years before the arrival of Kenshiro Abbe sensei to the UK. None of the early teachers had ever heard of Mr. Poole, that is until Mr. Poole came to join my "beginners class" in 1967/8 at my dojo in Slough, Berkshire.
Take a look at the photos in both magazines, you will see a man with a bald head and long beard, that is unmistakably Mr. Poole. Is it not conceivable that as I was a 3rd dan at that time I would have noticed that this "beginner" had some 15 years previous training, and the fact that Mr Poole was with my beginners for some three years, would he not have told me.
I have a book in the final stages of preparation in the USA titled "Positive Aikido, 45 yrs of Traditional teachings ". Arthur Lockyear the most prominent writer on Aikido is also gathering information on the history of "Aikido in the UK". I also understand that Sensei Williams is also preparing something on the same lines.
Once a fellow Aikidoist has read the history of our Aikido then perhaps you will realise why the few of us that are left from the early days are so protective of its origins.
Prior to this claim of 47 years, Mr. Poole has always chosen to totally ignore me and my existence when attending the British Aikido Board meetings. Maybe he feels that if he ignores me he then can ignore his true history.
During the time Mr. Poole was in my beginner’s class, he was always a good student, and I can never recall any problems or concerns. I have no concerns either regarding Mr Poole’s impersonation of O'Sensei on the poster I received, nor do I envy the fact that he is the only person to my knowledge to ever have a grade in" Budo". However I do have grave concerns for the true principals of Aikido, and just as importantly its survival as a creditable Martial Art.
The planned celebration by M Poole is to take place in April. I have written to Mrs. Shirley Timms, the secretary to the British Aikido Board, to ask the British Aikido Board to authenticate Mr. Pooles claim. Mrs. Timms told me that this would take some time. I suggested to her that now was the right time, before he commits himself to the "celebration".
On Saturday the 11th of March 2000, I traveled to Birmingham with Sensei Derek Eastman's (The 4th survivor from the 1950’s) son, Mark. This was the first time he had attended a General Meeting of the British Aikido Board, he could not believe how the proceedings went.
On arrival at the meeting Mrs. Timms hurried ahead of everyone else, I can only assume to advise the Chairman Toni Davies that I was here to speak at the Item 11 of the agenda, which was any other business. This is the only time that you can bring any other issues to the attention of the board). After sitting in the meeting for almost 3 hours we eventually reached Item 11, any other business, and as quickly as I stood up the Chairman called the meeting closed. I asked to be allowed to speak and Bill Smith Sensei one of the most respected men in Aikido, called out "Let the man speak" and again "Let the man speak". This is an abuse of privilege that we have never seen before in the British Aikido Board. I was refused permission to speak and raise the matter of Mr Poole. I have been told that Mr Poole claims to have trained in France and that he has a letter from O'Sensei. In those early days we too trained in France, we still have contacts in France, so it would be possible to check out this claim. With reference to the letter from O'Sensei, I have no comment.
In its hurry to dismiss item 11 from the agenda, the board also omitted the very last item on the agenda, which was the date of the next meeting.
By protecting Mr. Poole from what would have been a simple question of authenticity the British Aikido Board have actually accepted his claim to rewrite the history of British Aikido, and given him their full approval.
When I carry out a display of Aikido I always use a couple of beginners to try to encourage other people to join, I have a 8mm film converted to video clearly showing Mr Poole in 1967/8 as a beginner.
The origins and history of Aikido in the UK started with its introduction by Kenshiro Abbe Sensei in 1955 and his first student was Sensei Ken Williams. A small select group of dan grades developed around Sensei Williams at the Abbe School of Budo, Hillingdon Middx.
Apart from Sensei Williams there are only four survivors from those early days, Sensei's Foster, Ellis, Reynolds & Eastman. When Sensei Foster and I were training at the "HUT" in the 1950s I am sure that neither of us ever thought that we would still be involved in Aikido 45 years later. Sensei Williams always had great faith in the future of Aikido, and would often say to me that Aikido would grow to be the most popular martial art in the UK, and all the early dan grades would one day be full time professional teachers. The promotion of Aikido in those early days was such a struggle that although I felt just as passionately about Aikido as Sensei Williams, I must admit I did not share his vision.
The early history of British Aikido is a colourful one with many anecdotes as we the early teachers tried to promote Aikido. Now after 45yrs those original four are still teaching and promoting Aikido.
After all these years I (Henry Ellis) still feel as passionately and dedicated as I did in those early days. I have always had a strong and positive approach to Aikido and I know that the other teachers and I are all very proud of our history and our small part in the development of what was once only a vision of Sensei Williams. Today that vision is now a reality.
I trust that any true student of Aikido will know that I care little for my own promotion but only for the Protection and Promotion of the Martial Art of Aikido that I have devoted most of my life to.
Yours in Budo,
Sensei Henry Ellis
Anonymous or pseudonyms - comments will be automatically deleted
Sunday, 23 October 2011
4 - The British Aikido Board Executives
< Ms Shirley Timms - BAB Secretay.-
Henry Ellis exposed the collusion of Ms Timms with the Jack Poole Controversy - Ms Timms stated "I will make sure that Henry Ellis never again takes part in another BAB National Seminar!" - I am most grateful for that..
Prior to the expose:Henry Ellis had asked, and received, an excellent BAB character reference from Ms Timms for a personal matter. Ms Timms was fully aware of the purpose of the reference. - Unbelievably - Ms Timms then advised other members that she had provided Henry Ellis with a reference because he had been charged with GBH ( `grievous bodily harm`, a very serious charge, second only to murder). Henry Ellis during his lifetime does not not even have a motoring offence against his good name.
The BAB have never apologised for this blatant act of evil defamation.
Scroll to the post below for the embarressing expose by the "ex" BAB executive member.
< 2001:Toni Davies BAB Chairman:
Toni stated:""We the British Aikido Board are not the custodians of British Aikido History - we therefore have no interest in the same !! "" . This man would later lie at a General meeting of all the member organisations to promptly close the meeting to prevent Henry Ellis speaking of the BAB collusion with Jack Poole.
2002: Mr Vincent Sumpter new BAB Chairman stated. "" The history of British Aikido precedes the formation of the BAB, we have no records of this "" Probably the daftest statement to date - There were three original Aikido pioneers as BAB members.
Mr Sumpter went one better when invited to the " Kenshiro Abbe Memorial Event "
His response to the BAB executive " If you insist on my attending? I will resign !! " ( he did not attend )
< Mr Keith Holland Vice Chairman BAB
Mr Holland a close associate of Jack Poole and the BAB. Mr Holland truly has a sense of humour when stating on the NACD forum "" Henry Ellis is envious that Mr Poole has gone on to greater things than Mr Ellis himself has ""...Mr Holland needs to protect the grades given by Mr Poole - after all, Jacks 7th dan was awarded by his own students.
Dominick Foster BAB Executive.
Dominick not wanting to be outdone by the stupidity of other BAB Exec's he attends the " Kenshiro Abbe Memorial " he tells attendees waiting for the event to open "" The memorial is not this year, it should be next year "" One has to wonder why the muppet was there at all LOL ??
Saturday, 1 October 2011
6 - Faces behind the BAB Controversy
Mr Poole clutches the coveted BAB Samurai Statue that meant so much to him.
Mr Jack Poole
The BAB Believed him !
Mr Poole a beginner with Henry Ellis in 1968(proven fact) Mr Poole told the BAB he started Aikido with Tadashi Abbe in 1951/2 (they believed him). He told the BAB he represented the BJC in international competition in 1954- Four years before the creation of the BJC ( they believed him )- He told the BAB he received a dan grade in Kendo with Tommio Otani in 1952 - Tommio was a thirteen year old schoolboy ( they believed him )- He told the BAB he was the first Karate dan grade in Shotokan Karate--16 yrs before Shotokan Karate was introduced to the UK by Dr Vernon Bell ( they believed him ) He told the BAB he was a third dan in Judo with Matsutaro Otani Sensei - Robin Otani said " we have never heard of Jack Poole. This statement from the President of the BJC did not deter the BAB ( they believed him )The BAB proudly presented Mr Poole with a Bronze Statue as a pioneer of British Aikido...
Mr Poole's bio has now been revised with claims on his website " Mr Poole has trained to black belt standard in various martial arts " ..`` Jack - either you is or you aint - Henry Ellis:-)``
Mr Toni Davies
In the year 2000 Toni Davies was the BAB Chairman. He was an ardent supporter of the false claims of Mr Jack Poole. There is very little that Mr Davies will be remembered for, except his incredibly shameful crass statement when questioned at a general meeting by Derek Eastman Sensei on the proud history of British Aikido. Toni Davies [Quote]: We the British Aikido Board are not the custodians of British Aikido history - we therefore have no interest in the same[Unquote]Of course he will also be remembered as the cowardly BAB chairman who closed a general meeting early to prevent Henry Ellis asking questions regarding Mr Poole's award. Mr Davies colluded with Ms Timms to lie that another (non existent) group were waiting to use the meeting room.
It is on record that Mr Ellis checked with the Venue manager to clarify there were no other bookings that day.
Mr Vincent Sumpter
Mr Sumpter is the present BAB Chairman....The only man to insult the memory of Kenshiro Abbe Sensei.Mr Sumpter became chairman in the middle of the controversy issues.Mr Sumpter offers the following idiotic statement in defence of the crass BAB "" The period in question predates the creation of the BAB by a significant amount of time and therefore we have no formal records to prove or disprove either claim.” (Poole's 47 years in aikido and Ellis's rebuttal) Mr Sumpter did not need any formal written records as he had 3 pioneers who were the last students of Kenshiro Abbe Sensei's from the inception of UK Aikido - These pioneers were members of the BAB...Pioneers who had their diploma's signed by OSensei himself..... It was hoped that Mr Sumpter would bring a breath of much needed fresh air to the BAB, not so !! . As his limp predessor will be remembered for his crass statement. Mr Sumpter will be remembered as the BAB chairman who ""REFUSED "" to accept his invitation as a honoured guest at the celebration to the memory of Kenshiro Abbe Sensei. Mr Sumpter stated to his executive " I will resign if you insist on my attending this event !! ". I am sure that he will be remembered by the executive members as the first BAB chairman to raid the members money by awarding each of the executives a sweet little `honorarium ` of approx £1000 of the members money per annum.That is approx £10,000 a year of the members money............ Try asking Mr Sumpter to help a small dojo with new mats :
Ms Shirley Timms.
Ms Timms is the BAB secretary and treasurer of the British Aikido Board. Ms Timms has served the BAB well and with distinction from its inception, until her divided loyalties with her position as the BAB secretary and as a close friend and supporter of the Poole's affected her judgement... Ms Timms to her everlasting shame actually puts in writing to Henry Ellis, supporting the lie told by Mr Toni Davies that the 2000 General meeting was closed as another group were waiting to enter the room. There was never such a group which was clarified by the Centre Management...We all know this was a blatant lie.............Why on earth would the highly respected Ms Timms allow herself to support such conduct, Ms Timms herself trained at the famous Hut Dojo, her late husband David Timms a highly respected Aikidoka was a very close friend of Haydn Foster Sensei... Yet, beyond belief.....Mr Poole is still the favoured son of the British Aikido Board, the governing body that were prepared to go to any lengths to corrupt the true history and lineage of British Aikido..BAB = Bad @ Budo......Because Henry Ellis tried to protect the history and lineage of British Aikido Ms Timms stated " Henry Ellis will never participate in another British Aikido Board seminar ~~~ "" I Thank God for that "" ...
Ms Shirley Timms.
An EVIL Tongue
Henry Ellis was a witness for the police in a case they were investigating. The police asked him to get character references to support his testimony. He explained everything clearly to Ms Timms the British Aikido Board secretary, who in turn gave him an excellent character reference.
He was not aware that Ms Timms had been spreading rumours that he had requested the character reference because he had been charged with GBH ``grievous bodily harm`` ,this is a very serious offence which is second only to murder, and can carry a life sentence. It was only when he received a letter from an ex- BAB executive who had apologised for his part in spreading the evil rumours perpetrated by Ms Shirley Timms the BAB secretary.
It should be noted that Henry Ellis Sensei did not even have a motoring offence against his good name and character.
Mr Jack Poole
The BAB Believed him !
Mr Poole a beginner with Henry Ellis in 1968(proven fact) Mr Poole told the BAB he started Aikido with Tadashi Abbe in 1951/2 (they believed him). He told the BAB he represented the BJC in international competition in 1954- Four years before the creation of the BJC ( they believed him )- He told the BAB he received a dan grade in Kendo with Tommio Otani in 1952 - Tommio was a thirteen year old schoolboy ( they believed him )- He told the BAB he was the first Karate dan grade in Shotokan Karate--16 yrs before Shotokan Karate was introduced to the UK by Dr Vernon Bell ( they believed him ) He told the BAB he was a third dan in Judo with Matsutaro Otani Sensei - Robin Otani said " we have never heard of Jack Poole. This statement from the President of the BJC did not deter the BAB ( they believed him )The BAB proudly presented Mr Poole with a Bronze Statue as a pioneer of British Aikido...
Mr Poole's bio has now been revised with claims on his website " Mr Poole has trained to black belt standard in various martial arts " ..`` Jack - either you is or you aint - Henry Ellis:-)``
Mr Toni Davies
In the year 2000 Toni Davies was the BAB Chairman. He was an ardent supporter of the false claims of Mr Jack Poole. There is very little that Mr Davies will be remembered for, except his incredibly shameful crass statement when questioned at a general meeting by Derek Eastman Sensei on the proud history of British Aikido. Toni Davies [Quote]: We the British Aikido Board are not the custodians of British Aikido history - we therefore have no interest in the same[Unquote]Of course he will also be remembered as the cowardly BAB chairman who closed a general meeting early to prevent Henry Ellis asking questions regarding Mr Poole's award. Mr Davies colluded with Ms Timms to lie that another (non existent) group were waiting to use the meeting room.
It is on record that Mr Ellis checked with the Venue manager to clarify there were no other bookings that day.
Mr Vincent Sumpter
Mr Sumpter is the present BAB Chairman....The only man to insult the memory of Kenshiro Abbe Sensei.Mr Sumpter became chairman in the middle of the controversy issues.Mr Sumpter offers the following idiotic statement in defence of the crass BAB "" The period in question predates the creation of the BAB by a significant amount of time and therefore we have no formal records to prove or disprove either claim.” (Poole's 47 years in aikido and Ellis's rebuttal) Mr Sumpter did not need any formal written records as he had 3 pioneers who were the last students of Kenshiro Abbe Sensei's from the inception of UK Aikido - These pioneers were members of the BAB...Pioneers who had their diploma's signed by OSensei himself..... It was hoped that Mr Sumpter would bring a breath of much needed fresh air to the BAB, not so !! . As his limp predessor will be remembered for his crass statement. Mr Sumpter will be remembered as the BAB chairman who ""REFUSED "" to accept his invitation as a honoured guest at the celebration to the memory of Kenshiro Abbe Sensei. Mr Sumpter stated to his executive " I will resign if you insist on my attending this event !! ". I am sure that he will be remembered by the executive members as the first BAB chairman to raid the members money by awarding each of the executives a sweet little `honorarium ` of approx £1000 of the members money per annum.That is approx £10,000 a year of the members money............ Try asking Mr Sumpter to help a small dojo with new mats :
Ms Shirley Timms.
Ms Timms is the BAB secretary and treasurer of the British Aikido Board. Ms Timms has served the BAB well and with distinction from its inception, until her divided loyalties with her position as the BAB secretary and as a close friend and supporter of the Poole's affected her judgement... Ms Timms to her everlasting shame actually puts in writing to Henry Ellis, supporting the lie told by Mr Toni Davies that the 2000 General meeting was closed as another group were waiting to enter the room. There was never such a group which was clarified by the Centre Management...We all know this was a blatant lie.............Why on earth would the highly respected Ms Timms allow herself to support such conduct, Ms Timms herself trained at the famous Hut Dojo, her late husband David Timms a highly respected Aikidoka was a very close friend of Haydn Foster Sensei... Yet, beyond belief.....Mr Poole is still the favoured son of the British Aikido Board, the governing body that were prepared to go to any lengths to corrupt the true history and lineage of British Aikido..BAB = Bad @ Budo......Because Henry Ellis tried to protect the history and lineage of British Aikido Ms Timms stated " Henry Ellis will never participate in another British Aikido Board seminar ~~~ "" I Thank God for that "" ...
Ms Shirley Timms.
An EVIL Tongue
Henry Ellis was a witness for the police in a case they were investigating. The police asked him to get character references to support his testimony. He explained everything clearly to Ms Timms the British Aikido Board secretary, who in turn gave him an excellent character reference.
He was not aware that Ms Timms had been spreading rumours that he had requested the character reference because he had been charged with GBH ``grievous bodily harm`` ,this is a very serious offence which is second only to murder, and can carry a life sentence. It was only when he received a letter from an ex- BAB executive who had apologised for his part in spreading the evil rumours perpetrated by Ms Shirley Timms the BAB secretary.
It should be noted that Henry Ellis Sensei did not even have a motoring offence against his good name and character.
Wednesday, 16 June 2010
7 - BAB chairman 5th dan grades a 7th dan DUH!
From the KaiShinKai website.20th April 2008 - Sensei 'Bill' Harris - Kai Shin Kai chairman and chief examiner - awarded 7th dan (shichidan)
Click to view larger image
Presented by Vincent Sumpter (godan), BAB chairman & Fred Mills (godan)
From the text and photo we have the BAB chairman Mr Sumpter 5th dan grading his own Senior to 7th dan duh- Mr Sumpter was subsequently graded to 6th dan, duh duh.
Mr Sumpter is the Chairman of the British Aikido Board which is responsible for maintaining standards in UK Aikido in the name of the Sports Council.
The constituted purpose of the British Aikido Board is to further the advancement of all styles of Aikido in the United Kingdom and to establish and monitor standards of safety and behaviour conducive to the safety of practitioners of Aikido.[/unquote]
The above goes some way to explain why Mr Sumpter and the BAB were so comfortable in offering their full support of the fraudulent claims of Mr Jack Poole.
British Aikido Origins from 1955 - Narration & Movie Slide-Show by Henry Ellis
British Aikido Board
British Aikido Board . BAB Blog. Here you will experience the comfort of ``Executive Meetings of the BAB exectutive officers as they meet in the privacy and comfort of the home of Ms Shirley Timms. - Ms Timms is the long time BAB secretary. From the statements added below from the confessions of an ex BAB executive officer you can experience first hand the cunning and the scheming that takes place behind closed doors to which `` selective `` minutes were the order of the day.
Bookmark this page for the latest news up-dates. Ellis Schools of Traditional Aikido - Classes @ Aikido Bracknell & Basingstoke Dojos - Visit -> Dojos
rong>Visit our new " Tadashi Abe " website -> Tadashi Abe Sensei Visit the new Nakazono Aikido Blog
Click here
Join the BAB ~ Support the Chairman & exec `honorarium `£1000 each fund.
Protect British Budo History ~ visit the " Aikido Controversy " blog Click for Aikido Controversy Blog
This is the one !!Mr Vincent Sumpter the only man to insult the memory of the father of all British Aikido. The man that refused to attend as an invited guest to the K Abbe Memorial event to represent the members of the BAB.. Mr Sumpter stated to his executive "" I would rather resign as chairman than attend that event """.
British Aikido Board """ Exposed """"
Email from Mr Sumpter.... " Be careful what you add to the BAB minutes, Henry Ellis reads the BAB minutes. ....why be careful if there is nothing to be afraid of ????? .
These are ` new ` and shocking revelations of the conduct of the governing body for British Aikido.....This documented article with first hand evidence gives the first actual insight into the crass conduct of the then BAB exec........
A large batch of email copies from an ex BAB executive officer were freely handed to Henry Ellis, they tells how the BAB were prepared to go to any devious lengths, not only to protect themselves, but also to protect Mr Jack Poole.
The exec member tells of meetings where the BAB officers slandered the name of Henry Ellis, simply because he would not stand back and allow them to change the true history of British Aikido. Visit the article link below.
British Aikido Board Exposed!
Visit the British Aikido History site - 4 Old Photo Galleries.
Click here: British Aikido History - 4 Old Photo Galleries.
Visit My Aikido & Judo Video Site ~ Click -> Henry Ellis Aikido & Judo Videos A growing collection of early and modern Aikido and Judo videos..H Ellis - D Eastman - H Foster - K Chiba - M Nakazono - K Abbe - T Abe.
Click to view larger image
Presented by Vincent Sumpter (godan), BAB chairman & Fred Mills (godan)
From the text and photo we have the BAB chairman Mr Sumpter 5th dan grading his own Senior to 7th dan duh- Mr Sumpter was subsequently graded to 6th dan, duh duh.
Mr Sumpter is the Chairman of the British Aikido Board which is responsible for maintaining standards in UK Aikido in the name of the Sports Council.
The constituted purpose of the British Aikido Board is to further the advancement of all styles of Aikido in the United Kingdom and to establish and monitor standards of safety and behaviour conducive to the safety of practitioners of Aikido.[/unquote]
The above goes some way to explain why Mr Sumpter and the BAB were so comfortable in offering their full support of the fraudulent claims of Mr Jack Poole.
British Aikido Origins from 1955 - Narration & Movie Slide-Show by Henry Ellis
British Aikido Board
British Aikido Board . BAB Blog. Here you will experience the comfort of ``Executive Meetings of the BAB exectutive officers as they meet in the privacy and comfort of the home of Ms Shirley Timms. - Ms Timms is the long time BAB secretary. From the statements added below from the confessions of an ex BAB executive officer you can experience first hand the cunning and the scheming that takes place behind closed doors to which `` selective `` minutes were the order of the day.
Bookmark this page for the latest news up-dates. Ellis Schools of Traditional Aikido - Classes @ Aikido Bracknell & Basingstoke Dojos - Visit -> Dojos
rong>Visit our new " Tadashi Abe " website -> Tadashi Abe Sensei Visit the new Nakazono Aikido Blog
Click here
Join the BAB ~ Support the Chairman & exec `honorarium `£1000 each fund.
Protect British Budo History ~ visit the " Aikido Controversy " blog Click for Aikido Controversy Blog
This is the one !!Mr Vincent Sumpter the only man to insult the memory of the father of all British Aikido. The man that refused to attend as an invited guest to the K Abbe Memorial event to represent the members of the BAB.. Mr Sumpter stated to his executive "" I would rather resign as chairman than attend that event """.
British Aikido Board """ Exposed """"
Email from Mr Sumpter.... " Be careful what you add to the BAB minutes, Henry Ellis reads the BAB minutes. ....why be careful if there is nothing to be afraid of ????? .
These are ` new ` and shocking revelations of the conduct of the governing body for British Aikido.....This documented article with first hand evidence gives the first actual insight into the crass conduct of the then BAB exec........
A large batch of email copies from an ex BAB executive officer were freely handed to Henry Ellis, they tells how the BAB were prepared to go to any devious lengths, not only to protect themselves, but also to protect Mr Jack Poole.
The exec member tells of meetings where the BAB officers slandered the name of Henry Ellis, simply because he would not stand back and allow them to change the true history of British Aikido. Visit the article link below.
British Aikido Board Exposed!
Visit the British Aikido History site - 4 Old Photo Galleries.
Click here: British Aikido History - 4 Old Photo Galleries.
Visit My Aikido & Judo Video Site ~ Click -> Henry Ellis Aikido & Judo Videos A growing collection of early and modern Aikido and Judo videos..H Ellis - D Eastman - H Foster - K Chiba - M Nakazono - K Abbe - T Abe.
Friday, 28 May 2010
8 - Kenshiro Abbe Sensei ~ KyuShinDo the Abuse
We now see people claiming to have dan grades in ` KyuShinDo ` how can you have a dan grade in a philosophy / theory ?? ....KyuShinDo is a philosophy not a martial art.
I have stated many times `` Kenshiro Abbe Sensei developed his philosophy of KyuShinDo as applicable to Judo.
Kenshiro Abbe Sensei NEVER repeat NEVER ever taught Aiki-Justsu or Aiki-Budo or JuJutsu or JuJitsu....Anyone making the following claims are talking a load of round objects...He never taught any of the following ``KyuShinDo Karate `` ~ `` KyuShinDo Aikido `` ~ `` KyuShinDo JuJutsu `` ~ KyuShinDo Aiki-Jutsu `` ~ KyuShiDo Aiki-Jujutsu `` ... Visit the Kenshiro Abbe Blog
Kenshiro Abbe Sensei Blog
Dave Delderfield Sensei and Gerry Gyngel Sensei who both worked in the London office of the BJC with Kenshiro Abbe Sensei stated..
" We have never heard Abbe Sensei speak of KyuShinDo JuJutsu or simply JuJutsu !!"..
New article " KyuShinDo is not a Martial Art "
Click here
I have stated many times `` Kenshiro Abbe Sensei developed his philosophy of KyuShinDo as applicable to Judo.
Kenshiro Abbe Sensei NEVER repeat NEVER ever taught Aiki-Justsu or Aiki-Budo or JuJutsu or JuJitsu....Anyone making the following claims are talking a load of round objects...He never taught any of the following ``KyuShinDo Karate `` ~ `` KyuShinDo Aikido `` ~ `` KyuShinDo JuJutsu `` ~ KyuShinDo Aiki-Jutsu `` ~ KyuShiDo Aiki-Jujutsu `` ... Visit the Kenshiro Abbe Blog
Kenshiro Abbe Sensei Blog
Dave Delderfield Sensei and Gerry Gyngel Sensei who both worked in the London office of the BJC with Kenshiro Abbe Sensei stated..
" We have never heard Abbe Sensei speak of KyuShinDo JuJutsu or simply JuJutsu !!"..
New article " KyuShinDo is not a Martial Art "
Click here
Saturday, 8 May 2010
9 - I Remember Mr Jack Poole !!!
Below is an email recently received from a student who was also a beginner with Mr Poole in 1968....
Sent: Friday, August 27, 2010 6:47 PM
Subject: History From Slough And Bracknell Dojos
Attention: Sensei Henry Ellis
Sensei –
My name is Gilmartin, I was one of your students at Slough and Bracknell Sports Centre dojos. I was Mr. Goodwin’s assistant, while John Berloth was yours.
I have just become aware of the bewildering tale of Jack Poole. Your account of the facts tally’s precisely with my memory of that period. I can only conclude that poor Jack has suffered a mental breakdown of some nature and lives in a delusion.
Congratulations on your success, my years as a student of yours count among the best of my life.
Roger Gilmartin 3rd Kyu.
Sent: Friday, August 27, 2010 6:47 PM
Subject: History From Slough And Bracknell Dojos
Attention: Sensei Henry Ellis
Sensei –
My name is Gilmartin, I was one of your students at Slough and Bracknell Sports Centre dojos. I was Mr. Goodwin’s assistant, while John Berloth was yours.
I have just become aware of the bewildering tale of Jack Poole. Your account of the facts tally’s precisely with my memory of that period. I can only conclude that poor Jack has suffered a mental breakdown of some nature and lives in a delusion.
Congratulations on your success, my years as a student of yours count among the best of my life.
Roger Gilmartin 3rd Kyu.
Wednesday, 17 March 2010
10 - Great New Aikido Information Sites
British Aikido History Site
Aikido Articles
Aikido Articles
There are many articles of interest on this new Aikido article site. Many articles relating to the true documented history and lineage of British Aikido from its inception in 1955 by Kenshiro Abbe Sensei. There is the very popular and widely read " Is Aikido a Martial Art ? " with several articles on Kenshiro Abbe Sensei.
5 Photo Galleries
There are 5 photo galleries with many old British Aikido photos, there is also a gallery with many rare photos of Kenshiro Abbe Sensei.
Aikido Ellis Video Channel
Aikido Ellis Video Channel
Visit the Ellis video channel for many old Aikido films and several rare films of Kenshiro Abbe Sensei.
Aikido Articles
Aikido Articles
There are many articles of interest on this new Aikido article site. Many articles relating to the true documented history and lineage of British Aikido from its inception in 1955 by Kenshiro Abbe Sensei. There is the very popular and widely read " Is Aikido a Martial Art ? " with several articles on Kenshiro Abbe Sensei.
5 Photo Galleries
There are 5 photo galleries with many old British Aikido photos, there is also a gallery with many rare photos of Kenshiro Abbe Sensei.
Aikido Ellis Video Channel
Aikido Ellis Video Channel
Visit the Ellis video channel for many old Aikido films and several rare films of Kenshiro Abbe Sensei.
Friday, 26 February 2010
It should be noted that Mr Poole has a creditable history of Aikido, starting with Henry Ellis and later Chiba Sensei, sadly Mr Poole was desperate to be known as a man of Budo.
Mr Jack Poole the favourite son of the British Aikido Board. The BAB were, and have been prepared to stake its creditability and its very survival in the protection of the fraudulent claims of Mr Poole. Why?? only Mr Poole and Ms Timms the BAB secretary can possibly answer that one. It would appear that members and their money mean much more to the crass BAB than integrity, honesty, principals.
We have never ever quesioned Mr Poole's credibility from 1968, we have no problem with that. We do though have a serious problems with his claims from 1952 to 1968 as these affect the true history of British Aikido.
Although ``all`` of Mr Poole's claims have been proved to be false, he and his supporters still stand by these claims. It is time for Mr Poole to apologise.
I can sincerely understand the people who have been graded by Mr Poole not wishing to know or accept the truth. A senior dan grade of Mr Poole said to me personally that he had sat and listened to these stories so many times over the years, stories that he now knows to be fairy tales.
The BAB were fully aware of the scale of evidence that proved beyond the loyalty of friends family and loved ones that Mr Poole's claims were full of pony.
Mr Poole cunningly thought that by using the names of teachers who were deceased no one could question him ? WE DID !!.. Read the ludicrous claims of a man of Ludo.
Mr Poole when making these false claims was not aware that Ellis still had the 1968 Slogh dojo members list showing when he joined...He was aslo unaware that there were several photos of him wearing a yellow belt in late 1968 and best of all an old 8mm movie with Mr Poole and George Stavro from 1968 clearly showing Mr Poole as a beginner.
One) Started Aikido in France with Tadashi Abe Sensei in 1952.
Statement from Pierre Chassang Sensei who was the first student of Tadashi Abe Sensei in France stated "" There were no English students with T Abe Sensie in the 1950's.""
Two) Graded third dan Judo by M Otani Sensei
Robin Otani Sensei said this was untrue, "" There are no records or memory of Mr Poole's claim.""
Three) Represented the `British Judo Council ` internationally in 1955.Robin Otani stated.
"" The BJC was not formed until 1958 - International competion began 1968. No record of a J Poole.""
Four) Studied Kendo with Tomio Otani in early 1950s,
"" Tomio was then a 13 yrs old schoolboy.""
Five) Received dan grade in Shotokan Karate 1955..
Shotokan Karate was introduced to Britain in 1966. By Dr Vernon Bell and Enoda Sensei. Senior members stated
"" We have never heard of Jack Poole "".
Six ) When Mr Poole was interviewed by a London metropolitan detective, Mr Poole stated "" How dare you question a man of Budo who trained directly with OSensei "" We know that Mr Poole never trained with OSensei yet was prepared to tell porkies to a London Metropolitan detective.
Update May 2010:
A senior student of Mr Poole's has offered the latest ` profile ` on Mr Poole.
" Mr Poole is one of the greatest Aikido teachers in the world. Poole Sensei has trained to black belt standard in Judo and Kendo "...ambiguous init !
What happened to all those dan grades ? ? ?
Mrs Merrill Poole.
I have a lot of respect for this lady who I believe is the true Budoka in the Poole family. I must admit that I don't know the truth.......But,,It is my opinion that Mrs Poole herself was duped as were the gullible BAB and the Shinawaki students.
I have often felt a great deal of sympathy for Mrs Poole during the controversy.
Monday, 7 December 2009
British Aikido Board
This Blogsite is intended to inform the British Aikidoka of the conduct of its governing body the " British Aikido Board ". We will add the latest news. We will also offer our visitors articles on the past conduct of the BAB and the devious behind the scenes intrigue of the executive members.
See the Kenshiro Abbe Memorial video at
Aikido Ellis Video
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