Monday, 21 September 2015

British Aikido Board - Blog - Members FAQ - Your Questions Answered

The British Aikido Board Blog - Members FAQ -

Henry Ellis Admin

Q: I was surprised the BAB chairman Mr Sumpter was not at the "K Abbe 50th Memorial Event".
A: Mr Sumpter was invited as a `honoured` guest; Mr Sumpter advised his executive members - if they insist he attends this event - he would resign. What can be said about such a man ?

Q: Are the BAB an honest and open organisation ?
A: No - here is an example:- I once stood up at a BAB general meeting in Birmingham.I wanted to raise a question regarding the honesty and integrity of the BAB. The meeting was abruptly closed to prevent me speaking - the chairman claimed another non-existent group were waiting to use the room - this was a blatant lie - later confirmed by the facility centre manager - he confirmed there were no other bookings that day; - other than the BAB.(details recorded)

Ms Shirley Timms the BAB secretary had the crass contempt to confirm and perpetuate this lie in a letter to me following the meeting.
Extract from letter below. -

Att: Henry Ellis:
20th March 2000
Mr Ellis ( not Dear)
It was unfortunate that the meeting had to be curtailed so abruptly,but the time allocated for the BAB to use the meeting room had run out and there was another meeting scheduled to start at 1-15pm.
Ms Shirley Timms BAB Secretary.
Full letter available on file..

Q: Why is the controversy with the BAB and Jack Poole still on-going?
A: I am still waiting for Ms Timms the BAB secretary to apologise for supporting the deception of Mr Poole - including the content of the above letter - also the defamation of my good name by Ms Timms as exposed by the ex Bab executive - `see below` - I should remind everyone that Mr Poole has not apologised for his fraudulent attempt to corrupt the history of British Budo.

Q: I understand the BAB have way over £100,000 banked.- What do the B A B do with their members money ?
A; The BAB is a Non-Profit org :-)- They do many things,including an honorarium of approx £1000 for each of the 10 executives each year.- You will have difficulty discovering this important item on the BAB website - This sum may very well now have increased ?.It is unbelievable that the `honorarium` share out of £10,000 is the same amount as the BAB 2012 annual budget - see below.
Child Protection £2500
Website Development £2500
Media & Marketing £1250
Coaching £2500
Clubmark £ 250
Membership £ 500
Equity & Equality £ 500 (Total: £10000)

Q: Do I really need to be a member of The discredited British Aikido Board to obtain martial arts insurance ?.
A: NO! - Martins` (acronym)provide martial arts insurance for instructors - individuals - small groups.--email:- Martins.

Q: As a member of the British Aikido Board, does one get the strength and support as one would in a union?.
A: NO! The British Aikido Board place membership money first,principles are secondary.

Q: Do I need to be a member of the BAB to hire a local govt dojo facility/ local community centre ?
A: NO ! - no facility manager is interested if you are with the BAB or not.- Most, if not all, have never heard of the B A B.

Q: If my Auntie Elsie gives me a 5th dan in Aikido for my birthday,will the British Aikido Board recognise it?.
A: The British Aikido Board accept and recognise all grades & titles without question.- Why not add Shihan or Hanshi as many do.

Q: Do I need to demonstrate my skill to the British Aikido Board for a dan grade certificate ?
A: Once accepted, just go to the BAB website and download the grade certificate of your choice for a fee.

Q: Will the British Aikido Board accept my grade if my students gave me 7th dan Aikido for Christmas?
A: This is normal within the B A B - Ms Timms may well place you on the next National Course as a 7th dan - I am sure Mr Sumpter will fully support you.

Q: What happens if I offend Ms Shirley Timms the BAB secretary ?.
A: OMG - It will be necessary for you to leave the country in the back of a lorry.

Q: Has the British Aikido Board been known to turn anyone away ?
A: Not to my knowledge.The B A B share the Salvation Army motto "Never known to turn anyone away".If you pay the required fees you are most welcome.

Q: What does the acronym B A B stand for ?
A: Many believe it is `Bad at Budo`?

Q: I am a teenager - One day I would like to be a pioneer of Aikido, or even a Budo pioneer, is this possible ?.
A: Why wait? Just let Ms Timms the BAB Secretary know your details and a bronze Samurai Statue could well be on its way.

Q: If I grade myself to 8th dan and call myself Shihan,will the BAB allow that ?
A: Yes, and you could well be invited to become an Executive,Oh! and don't forget the £1000 plus honorarium.

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