Monday, 21 September 2015

British Aikido Board - Blog - Members FAQ - Your Questions Answered

The British Aikido Board Blog - Members FAQ -

Henry Ellis Admin

Q: I was surprised the BAB chairman Mr Sumpter was not at the "K Abbe 50th Memorial Event".
A: Mr Sumpter was invited as a `honoured` guest; Mr Sumpter advised his executive members - if they insist he attends this event - he would resign. What can be said about such a man ?

Q: Are the BAB an honest and open organisation ?
A: No - here is an example:- I once stood up at a BAB general meeting in Birmingham.I wanted to raise a question regarding the honesty and integrity of the BAB. The meeting was abruptly closed to prevent me speaking - the chairman claimed another non-existent group were waiting to use the room - this was a blatant lie - later confirmed by the facility centre manager - he confirmed there were no other bookings that day; - other than the BAB.(details recorded)

Ms Shirley Timms the BAB secretary had the crass contempt to confirm and perpetuate this lie in a letter to me following the meeting.
Extract from letter below. -

Att: Henry Ellis:
20th March 2000
Mr Ellis ( not Dear)
It was unfortunate that the meeting had to be curtailed so abruptly,but the time allocated for the BAB to use the meeting room had run out and there was another meeting scheduled to start at 1-15pm.
Ms Shirley Timms BAB Secretary.
Full letter available on file..

Q: Why is the controversy with the BAB and Jack Poole still on-going?
A: I am still waiting for Ms Timms the BAB secretary to apologise for supporting the deception of Mr Poole - including the content of the above letter - also the defamation of my good name by Ms Timms as exposed by the ex Bab executive - `see below` - I should remind everyone that Mr Poole has not apologised for his fraudulent attempt to corrupt the history of British Budo.

Q: I understand the BAB have way over £100,000 banked.- What do the B A B do with their members money ?
A; The BAB is a Non-Profit org :-)- They do many things,including an honorarium of approx £1000 for each of the 10 executives each year.- You will have difficulty discovering this important item on the BAB website - This sum may very well now have increased ?.It is unbelievable that the `honorarium` share out of £10,000 is the same amount as the BAB 2012 annual budget - see below.
Child Protection £2500
Website Development £2500
Media & Marketing £1250
Coaching £2500
Clubmark £ 250
Membership £ 500
Equity & Equality £ 500 (Total: £10000)

Q: Do I really need to be a member of The discredited British Aikido Board to obtain martial arts insurance ?.
A: NO! - Martins` (acronym)provide martial arts insurance for instructors - individuals - small groups.--email:- Martins.

Q: As a member of the British Aikido Board, does one get the strength and support as one would in a union?.
A: NO! The British Aikido Board place membership money first,principles are secondary.

Q: Do I need to be a member of the BAB to hire a local govt dojo facility/ local community centre ?
A: NO ! - no facility manager is interested if you are with the BAB or not.- Most, if not all, have never heard of the B A B.

Q: If my Auntie Elsie gives me a 5th dan in Aikido for my birthday,will the British Aikido Board recognise it?.
A: The British Aikido Board accept and recognise all grades & titles without question.- Why not add Shihan or Hanshi as many do.

Q: Do I need to demonstrate my skill to the British Aikido Board for a dan grade certificate ?
A: Once accepted, just go to the BAB website and download the grade certificate of your choice for a fee.

Q: Will the British Aikido Board accept my grade if my students gave me 7th dan Aikido for Christmas?
A: This is normal within the B A B - Ms Timms may well place you on the next National Course as a 7th dan - I am sure Mr Sumpter will fully support you.

Q: What happens if I offend Ms Shirley Timms the BAB secretary ?.
A: OMG - It will be necessary for you to leave the country in the back of a lorry.

Q: Has the British Aikido Board been known to turn anyone away ?
A: Not to my knowledge.The B A B share the Salvation Army motto "Never known to turn anyone away".If you pay the required fees you are most welcome.

Q: What does the acronym B A B stand for ?
A: Many believe it is `Bad at Budo`?

Q: I am a teenager - One day I would like to be a pioneer of Aikido, or even a Budo pioneer, is this possible ?.
A: Why wait? Just let Ms Timms the BAB Secretary know your details and a bronze Samurai Statue could well be on its way.

Q: If I grade myself to 8th dan and call myself Shihan,will the BAB allow that ?
A: Yes, and you could well be invited to become an Executive,Oh! and don't forget the £1000 plus honorarium.

Anonymous or pseudonyms - comments will be automatically deleted

Monday, 24 August 2015

" Man who builds his dojo of bullshit must also remember to stand clear of the fan " - Henry Ellis

All information contained on this site is Legally - Factual - Honest and Truthfully Documented and Available on Hard Copy.


Photo below: 1968 - Henry Ellis with uke Geoff Goodwin 
Sitting and day dreaming Mr Jack Poole the now BAB 7th dan approved Aikido pioneer.

The British Aikido Board - can - and will - make all your bizarre day dreams come true.

Visit the ` British Aikido History ` Blog

British Aikido Board General meeting - 2nd November 2013.

It was stated the present chairman Mr Vincent Sumpter would retire, due to recent surgery, and ill health, we wish Mr Sumpter well in the future. ( at this time we were unaware that the JAC and the BAA were leaving the BAB )

We offer a warm welcome to the new British Aikido Board chairman Mr Keith Holland.
Mr Holland has all the qualities to make a fine BAB Chairman following in the footsteps of his predecessors Toni Davis and Vincent Sumpter.
Mr Holland once stated,
" Henry Ellis is envious of all the that Mr Poole has achieved  " ( and so everyone :-) 

 BAB Ludicrous claim to - " Monitor Standards of UK Aikido "

Left: The new BAB  chairman Mr Keith Holland .

The BAB - Mr Poole and his misguided followers have always promoted Mr Poole as a pioneer of British Budo/Aikido. 

Yet, in a statement below Mr Holland refers to Mr Poole " as a student of Henry Ellis " J  This is the first time a BAB chairman has admitted this, despite all the photos - videos, as this would contradict the BAB presentation of the Aikido pioneer award to Mr Poole.

It is worthy of note, the late Mr Simon Deering stated, Mr Holland had actually helped ``create `` Mr Jack Poole's  bizarre biography.J

Mr Holland is well remembered for his letter to the `National Aikido Database ` in defense of Mr Poole and the biography they had created together.

Mr Holland wrote, and I quote.

" Whilst in some small way I can understand the apparent obsession of Mr Ellis, perhaps because he has seen one of his students ( Mr Poole ) achieve greater respect than himself. " 

So, the new chairman's knew that Mr Poole was a beginner with Henry Ellis in 1968 - So, Mr Holland's idea of Mr Poole's ` great respect ` is using the names of several deceased Budo masters which they used in Mr Poole's false lineage - namely - Osensei Ueshiba - Musutaro Otani - Tadashi Abe - Tomio Otani - The British Judo Council - Claiming to be a dan grade in Shotokan Karate [11 years before it was introduced to the UK .]

Les White Sensei stated that Mr Poole stood in front of a class of students and asked " What do you all think if I grade myself to 7th dan ? " - and like magic he became 7th dan - and your grade Mr Chairman is now ?

[ The claim to have trained with Osensei was made by Mr Poole in person to a London Metropolitan Police Detective - on file ]

 The following BAB standards, are condoned and promoted as listed below. ( all BAB approved )

The BAB condone, recognize and reward - False Lineage - Self grading - Students grading their own teachers - Self awarded grandiose titles -  One can Down-load the grade of their choice from the BAB website.- Self graded teachers awarding others with high grades and titles such as - Shihan - Hanshi - Soke 

Despite Mr Poole’s damage to the credibility and the public image of the British Aikido Board, it would appear the BAB are now actually morphing into “ The British Shinwakai Aikido Board “ .
In the year 2000 - Mr Jack Poole of `UKShinwakai Aikido`, brought the now discredited British Aikido Board  to national ridicule and disrepute, a situation from which it has never recovered.
Ms S Timms:
Ms Timms the BAB secretary and the then chairman, set out on a mission to create a new British Aikido pioneer. They knew full well they were misleading the BAB membership and the general public. Together they betrayed the trust placed in them as a governing body by `Sports England` ( now UK Sports ).

The Clique.
The BAB is now headed by Mr Poole’s number one supporter, Mr Keith Holland, the new BAB chairman - including the ever faithful BAB secretary, Ms Shirley Timms who was shamelessly instrumental in promoting the Jack Poole myths at the 2000 National Course.

Mr Holland as stated above - Ms Timms, a very close friend of both Mr and Mrs Poole. -  Mrs M Poole, the wife of Jack Poole is also a member of the BAB board, -  and yet, we also have another very close associate of Mr Poole in Mr Frank Burlingham the BAB coaching officer.

J “ The British Shinwakai Aikido Board monitor standards of UK Aikido  J
Henry Ellis admin.

The True Story of the Betrayal of British Budo by the British Aikido Board.

   The British Aikido Board can make your day dreams a reality,  as they did for Mr Jack Poole.           


  Scroll down for the  Video

British Aikido Board / Jack Poole / Henry Ellis 

It Only Takes the Good Aikidoka to stand Quietly by - For the Fraudulent Plastic Samurai to Succeed.

    See Video of actual factual documentation and photos.


The information contained on this site is Legally - Factual - Honest and Truthfully Documented.
Ms Shirley Timms - BAB Secretary.

The British Aikido Board Event Presentation Programme
Reads ( pause at 7m 14sec )

" This year is a particular special event because we will be honouring 5 ( FIVE ) instructors who have served over 40  ( FORTY )  continuous years teaching Aikido in the UK. "

They are:  H Ellis ~ H Foster ~ R Reynolds ~ W Smith - D Eastman.

NOW look at the presentation group photo and the named 5 ( FIVE ) has mysteriously become 6  ( SIX ) 

"No matter you pretence - you are what you are - nothing more ! " Kenshiro Abbe Sensei

              UK Aikido Governing Body Conspired to change the history of UK Aikido.

The `British Aikido Board Controversy` has unfortunately become a part of UK Aikido history - as distasteful as this is, it serves as a warning to advise others that such crass conduct will not be tolerated, and you will be exposed.

Henry Ellis is in possession of a large number of damning emails of correspondence between the BAB Chairman - Secretary and other Executives.

The previous BAB Chairman Mr Toni Davis - when questioned on the BAB - Jack Poole - Henry Ellis Controversy
Publicly shamelessly stated at a `General Meeting`

" We the British Aikido Board are not the custodians of British Aikido History - and therefore have no interest in the same " - Toni Davis   

 Visit ` Aikido Stories ` Click> True Aikido Stories.

Visit - Aikido Books - for `Positiv

 The Betrayal of British Budo

This factually documented Blog tells the true appalling story of the governing body for Aikido in the UK.

The then Chairman (  Mr Toni Davies ) and Secretary ( Ms Shirley Timms ) detailing events as the BAB attempted to change the proud history and lineage of Aikido in the UK  from its inception in 1955 by Kenshiro Abbe Sensei.
The BAB  fully supported the spurious grades and lineage claims of one Mr Jack Poole.

Mr Poole had claimed to have multiple grades in Judo - Aikido - Karate - Kendo. - Mr Poole's now revised website amusingly reads .

" Sensei Jack  Poole has trained to black belt standard in several martial arts "

2000 - H Foster - H Ellis - D Eastman were three surviving direct students of Kenshiro Abbe Sensei, they were also founder members of the BAB.

The three Aikido pioneers held a special meeting with Ms Timms the BAB secretary, to discuss Mr Jack Poole, the meeting took place at the Hut Pub. 
This was a pointless exercise and a total waste of time, Ms Timms totally ignored the important points of the meeting in favour of Mr Poole.

The BAB deliberately ignored the joint statement from these three pioneers, the BAB then shamelessly went ahead and promoted Mr Jack Poole's claims to its full membership -  the public and Sports England [ now Sports UK ].
The BAB then proudly paraded Mr Poole to the members and the public at the 2000 National Seminar as the first UK student of Aikido.

Read the letter of apology offered ( accepted ) to Henry Ellis from one ex- BAB executive, a decent man, a man who was disgusted at the conduct of his fellow  BAB executives, he tells of the ``private `` executive meetings - he exposes the defamation of the good name of Henry Ellis Shihan,  as the BAB were desperately trying to cover up their disgraceful conduct. [ Letter on File]

Is this Also Illegal ?

 The chairman ( Mr V Sumpter ) advises all executive members not to mention the discussions of this important damaging situation in any of the meeting minutes. [ Email on File ]

Sooo - The meeting minutes are not a true account of any of those meetings - Is that illegal ? as it does not pertain to the constitution.`

The BAB chairman has stated at the end of each meeting " The chairman was authorised to sign the minutes as a true record of the meeting ".

From the chairman's own email correspondence, we now know that statement to be false.

 The BAB will never learn from that old saying " when you are neck deep in a cess pit - its time to stop digging and get a bucket
" - believe me - they are still digging......

Ms Timms the BAB Secretary, was livid that Mr Ellis had dared to question her crass conduct, and that of her fellow BAB executives regarding Mr Poole.

Ms Timms would both write - and reply to Henry Ellis letters, and as a sign of her contempt -  her letters, including the every day bog standard BAB general correspondence - by sending each and every single one of her responses untitled and unsigned .

How un-professional for the secretary of a so-called `governing body` - to correspond with the head of a member organisation in such a manner - there are many such letters, [ all available on file.]

              Ms Shirley Timms  BAB Secretary

             The Martial Arts Encyclopedia

The `Martial Arts Encyclopedia with over 20,000 views/reads to date ` has officially archived the whole of the documented files of this controversy .
 Including the meeting with `Sports England `  ( Sports UK ).

" The Jack Poole Proven Spurious Biography  "

Jack claimed to be a dan grade in every martial art ( a true man of Budo )  since being exposed - he has change this claim on his website to read " Jack Poole Sensei has trained to black belt standard in many martial arts "  and the BAB support this bullshit.

 Full BAB - Jack Poole Story archived by "Martial Arts Encyclopedia" CLICK > BAB - Jack Poole - Investigation.

The Lies


BAB - General Meeting 2000.

 Henry Ellis, waited, and rose to his feet at the end of the meeting at the final point of ` Any Other Business `- intending to raise the question of the  Jack Poole - BAB collusion / misconduct,  before Mr Ellis could speak one word - the then chairman ( Toni Davies ) and secretary ( Ms Shirley Timms ) abruptly closed the meeting, claiming there was another group waiting to use the hall,  at a glance there were no other group, or individuals, in fact there was not even a single person in sight.

 As there was no activity outside the main hall - Henry Ellis went immediately to the reception desk and spoke with the facility duty manager, who confirmed the British Aikido Board were the ONLY BOOKING for that facility that day. [ on file ]

 Ms Timms and the chairman  Toni Davies - not only lied to Henry Ellis - they also lied to all the 60 + senior members attending the general meeting that day .


Ms Shirley Timms to my utter disbelief and satisfaction, actually wrote to me (Henry Ellis) after the said meeting,  reiterating `` THE LIE`` in print - [letter on file.]

Ms Timms wrote;

" It was unfortunate that the meeting had to be curtailed so abruptly, but the time allocated for the BAB to use the room had run out and there was another meeting scheduled to start at 1 - 15 pm. " [ On file ]


Henry Ellis, was an important  volunteer witness in a police investigation / prosecution case - Ellis asked the BAB secretary Ms Timms for a character witness letter in his good name, as suggested by the police to strengthen their case and the integrity of their witness.

Ms Timms provided Henry Ellis with an excellent Character Reference  [ on file ].

As the BAB continued its crass conduct with its full support, and promotion of Jack Poole - Ms Timms now began advising BAB members that the said character witness letter, was now totally changed, It had now become a letter of support for Henry Ellis, who she now stated publicly, Ellis had now been charged with `GBH` `grievous bodily harm` ( GBH ) a charge which is second only to murder in the UK - GBH can carry a life prison sentence, this evil gross defamation of Henry Ellis's character  was exposed by one of the BAB's own ex- communications executive officers.

It should be noted that Henry Ellis did not even have a motoring offence against his good name and character. To this day, neither the BAB or Ms Timms have ever had the decency to offer an apology for this disgraceful conduct.


Scroll down to read of the extraordinary lengths the now Ex - British Aikido Board Chairman ( Mr Toni Davis ) and the BAB secretary Ms Shirley Timms were prepared to take in their support of the false claims of Mr Jack Poole - This support is continued to this day with the present chairman Mr Vincent Sumpter.
British Aikido Board Statement
""" The Board seeks to further the advancement of all styles of aikido and to establish and monitor standards of safety and behaviour for practitioners of aikido  """.


The above statement " Monitor Standards " is a mockery - The BAB will fully support any false and misleading claims to grades or titles - No grades are ever challenged - questioned or verified - all grades and titles either self graded or given by ones own students are accepted and promoted without question.

BAB members can now go on the BAB website and order the BAB dan grade certificate of their choice - Rather than state that the applicant has either graded themselves / or graded by their own students - The proud recipient can now mislead the public by claiming to be
"" Approved by the BAB ""
Believe me !! - many do.

Henry Ellis Shihan - Ex founder member of the BAB - grades signed by - OSensei Ueshiba No 349 ( 1 of 2 ) - Kenshiro Abbe Sensei - Masahilo Nakazono Sensei - TK Chiba Sensei - Moriteru Ueshiba Doshu.

The British Aikido Board Controversy Slide-Show.

See the cowardly `Blackmail Email Threats` and the `Slanderous Website` Prepared by Associates of Mr Poole, rather than simply offering proof and facts of his bizarre claims, to this day the BAB nor Mr Poole have ever offered one single item of proof to justify his bizarre claims.


British Aikido Origins
The Video the British Aikido Board Does not Want its Members to See.
Narrated Slide Show by Henry Ellis Shihan

Sunday, 23 August 2015

British Aikido Board Exposed - Scroll Down Front Page.

British Aikido Board  - FAQ 

Questions and Answers

Important - Questions and Answers.

“What are the advantages or disadvantages of being a member of the `British Aikido Board` ?”

Answer; Advantages = None -  Disadvantages are many

Henry Ellis and Derek Eastman of  `The Ellis Schools of Traditional Aikido ` were initially members of the excellent `MAC` - `Martial Arts Commission,` they later became founder members of the British Aikido Board.

During those early days we, and the other founding members, were full of enthusiasm, we had a dream of building an organisation worthy of the rapidly growing UK Aikido community.

The BAB quickly grew in numbers, it also grew away from its members as it became more and more bureaucratic. There were people who were not so good on the mat, yet they were a little better in the administration.

The BAB have a very large bank balance created by its membership, along with its endless revenue flow from various coaching awards schemes.

If the BAB could come up with an award for laying mats or tying an Obi or a Hakama, and charge for it, they would.

You can actually buy a BAB dan grade certificate on their website. Why wait until Xmas - order yours, don't forget one for a friend  !!

"Oh - don't forget to add that you are BAB approved"

The executive actually have a sweet little share out of members money (your money ) they have a rather nice name for it too, they call it a `honorarium` of approx £1,000 each executive.

The ESTA resigned from the BAB in the year 2000 in protest at their crass attempt to alter the true history and lineage of British Aikido.

During the past thirteen years not one single person, nor one single organisation or authority, has asked if we are members of the `British Aikido Board`.
To be honest, we are always pleased to advise people that we are not associated with the discredited BAB.

“ We are only with the BAB for the martial arts insurance ! ”
There is no need to join the BAB just for m/a insurance cover – The information below will meet all of your insurance martial arts requirements .
Contact the BKA and go compare.
BKA Martial Arts Insurance
– BKA Admin – 149 Longsight – Harwood – Bolton – BL2 3JE – Tel; 01484 843400 –

Below the Documented Slide - Show of the BAB Controversy.

See the actual documents - `The BAB and Mr Jack Poole` have never offered one single item of fact or proof to support their crass actions.

Rather than justify their conduct with documented proof - they resorted to - Slander - Fraudulent Deceit - Blackmail emails - Hate Website.

Saturday, 22 August 2015

Ellis Schools of Traditional Aikido 

 Resignation Letter to the British Aikido Board.

Att: The Chairman of the British Aikido Board 

Mr V Sumpter & Ms S Timms

Dear Sir

We the Ellis Schools of Traditional Aikido tender our resignation from the British Aikido Board as of the above date.
We have no further confidence in the board as a competent governing body due to the boards inept handling of the Jack Poole controversy.
In the past two years the board have not replied to any of my correspondence on this now public matter, neither have they replied to any other correspondence, including information on first aid courses as requested.
I recently received the minutes of the last meeting, these were the first in almost eighteen months.
It is now very obvious after two years of the "controversy " being a major topic of debate in the Aikido community that the BAB have no intention of addressing this matter which has brought the credibility of the BAB into disrepute and derision.
How can any organisation or individual member have the confidence and faith to approach the so called ``Governing Body `` with any future dispute after what has been a very public loss of trust as shown by the apparent cowardice of this chairman and his executive.

Yours faithfully

Henry Ellis