British Aikido Board - EXPOSED
Shocking Revelations from Ex BAB Executive - At long last we now have the actual truth!
The Revelations along with Apology needs to be understand by each and every fellow member from the BAB in addition to Sport England
Ex-BAB Executive with a conscience now informs the truth!!! August 2009
Shocking Revelations from Ex BAB Executive - At long last – we have the
“The Revelations and Apology should be read by every single member
of the BAB and Sport England”
Ex-BAB Executive with a conscience now
tells the truth!!! August 2009
A brief synopsis.
The controversy
between the BAB / Henry Ellis / Jack Poole has been a long running affair
despite on the 6th – July - 2004 Sport England instructing the BAB to publicly
apologise to Henry Ellis. If the BAB had initially acted as a responsible
governing body and held a public three way meeting between all three parties, as
suggested by Henry Ellis, but abruptly denied by the BAB chairman Mr Vincent
Sumpter, who offered instead a meeting “ in camera “ ( secret ) where they, the
BAB, would simply act as observers / mediators, this offer was totally
unacceptable. Henry Ellis considered the then BAB far more culpable than Mr
Poole himself. Without the full support and protection of the BAB Mr Poole would
not be in the embarrassing situation he finds himself today. Unbelievably, Mr
Poole has continued to enjoy the full support of the BAB executive team, whilst
Henry Ellis and Derek Eastman who are two of the last British Aikido pioneers,
found themselves with little option other than to resign from the BAB, they were
once proud MAC and founder BAB members.
Photo left Mr Toni
Davies ex-BAB chairman Photo right Mr Jack Poole
BAB Act 6 ( Code of
Conduct ) subsection a. No Member shall by act or omission bring the board, or
Aikido in to disrepute……..
“””” BAB morals.. If a BAB member makes false
or misleading claims of his or her grade / lineage, that person will receive the
full support of the BAB complete with an achievement award… If however, any
member dares to question those false claims, he or she will be abused resulting
in a need to leave the BAB. “”””
Revelations from the Ex – BAB
Communications Officer.
“I would stand in a court of law on this point
happily! “
For legal reasons the name of the BAB Ex Exec is being
withheld at this time – Sport England are fully informed.
From the (ex)
BAB Communication exec Officer extract four.
Dear Mr Ellis,
I must
finally tell you something, tell you the truth about who the dreadful rumours
and vile-misinformation's about your good name came from. They came from Mrs
Shirley Timms the BAB Secretary. There can be no doubt about this and I would
stand in a court of law on this point happily. I believed I have heard her
recounting with some glee that you were such an awful person that you were held
on a GBH charge. Upon a further phone call from Ms Timms I was then informed
that it was in fact not you, but your son, and, that I must have misheard what
she said. She then prepared a letter of apology, and I was told to sign this and
post it to you. That original letter was not written by me, it only contained my
signature……. Signed Ex – BAB Executive.
<- bab="bab" br="br" left="left" ms="ms" photo="photo" s="s" secretary="secretary" timms="timms">
Job description of BAB Secretary… “Taking minutes at Executive
and General Meetings, checking their accuracy with the Chairman, before copying
and circulating them to Officers and Member Associations”
One can now
correctly assume that Ms Timms blurred the lines of her professional duty as the
BAB secretary along with her responsibilities to the BAB membership, by
compromising her duties / friendship and close association with the Poole’s. “””
The ex – BAB Executive writes ( below ) “ The BAB executive did not consider the
Poole affair of any importance, but Henry Ellis was perceived as a trouble maker
“””” In a nutshell, It is OK with the BAB to create a false lineage and grades
and attempt to change British Budo History, yet if a member raises a complaint,
he / she, is considered a ` trouble maker ` “”” .
Henry Ellis recently
received an email letter dated Aug 09 containing a sincere apology from the ex -
“ BAB – Communications Officer ” and former member of the Executive team. The
apology was accepted by Henry Ellis in good faith . Sport England are in
possession of this article and all the facts, including the name of the BAB Ex
Exec Officer. All emails supplied to me have complete tracking headers
First - the Apology ( accepted )
Received from The (ex) BAB
Communication Officer 6/9/09
Dear Henry,
I write this email to once
and for all state that I am truly sorry for all of the distress caused to you by
my email correspondence which contained information I now know to be complete
lies and fabrications.
The basis for the lies came from various members of
the then BAB Exec team. These meeting were held in both Solihull and Slough at
the home of the BAB Secretary, Shirley Timm’s. None of the information discussed
at these meeting was minuted in any detail with regard to you. It became
apparent very quickly they were trying to recover themselves from a huge mistake
they had made with regard to awarding Jack Poole an award for time in Aikido
when he clearly had not been in Aikido this long. People turned against you in
these meetings and started to bad mouth your good name and character with utter
rubbish and fabrication. Shirley Timm’s was the basis and the main instigator in
these lies with Tony Davis also adding false anecdotes and recounting tales
which now quite clearly never occured. Sadly, I listened to these and believed
them. I know now they are completely false.
With Regard,
The (ex) BAB
Communication Officer
The Executive Clique behind Closed Doors –
Silence is Golden!
Shocking !! At last, we are starting to see the full
picture formulating of a group of people elected to the executive of the “
British Aikido Board “ at that time. The BAB are the recognised governing body
for British Aikido, the exec hold meetings in the home of Ms Timms, plotting the
defamation of the good name and character of Henry Ellis, and others, in a
contemptible effort to protect themselves from being exposed for the inept group
they truly are, whilst protecting themselves, they had no other option than to
protect Mr Jack Poole. To the deliberately mis-informed membership, this would
appear to be the BAB gathering around Mr Poole in full support. Of course the
membership were of little concern to the then executive team, as we see from the
email below sent by the chairman Mr Vincent Sumpter to the BAB communications
Photo Mr V Sumpter
Email to the Communications Officer
from the BAB chairman Mr Vincent Sumpter.
“ I think it was the opposite,
actually. The BAB minutes of the meeting say nothing about the Poole Ellis
affair - as they too go on to the web site. The decision was that we would say
nothing and do nothing to help keep the subject up and running. Silence is
golden we think. Vincent.”
Email from Mr Sumpter.
Subject Re: BAB
– Approved 8th Dan ??
I’m totally with you on this one. The BAB does not
give out or approve grades – that is purely an Association matter. The business
of the “ Shihan “ title is another matter. I would be the first to say that only
the Aikikai in Japan can “ officially “ award that title. But I doubt that – in
translation – “ master “ we can stop anybody using the title in the UK. .That
is, I don’t think there is copyright on the title..
“” Mr Sumpter is
wrong, the BAB along with the previous chairman Toni Davies, approved everything
that Mr Poole told the BAB, grades – history – lineage – Not only did they
approve and fully condone Mr Poole’s fraudulent conduct, they gave him an award
as a seal of their appreciation and public approval. “”
What one can
clearly see from Mr Sumpter’s email above, is an example of the minutes of the
meetings being manipulated to protect the BAB executives. Many BAB members
actually believed Mr Poole’s claims, simply because of the staunch support of
the BAB exec. This is clearly an abuse of the members trust and faith in this
crass organisation.
According to the ex – communications officer, these
defamatory conversations concerning Henry Ellis, took place, before / during /
and after various meetings, many of these cosy meetings were held at the home of
Ms Timms. These defamatory conversations were never minuted for the benefit of
the membership, the chairman would later sign off the selected minutes as a true
record of that particular meeting, as we can now clearly see, that is not so. I
am sure that Sport England would frown upon this kind of mis-management…Henry
Here is an email from Grev Cooke BAB Coaching Admin
Officer to the communications officer
Photo of Grev Cooke
Grev Cooke
Shirley phoned tonight because She and Vince wish to put some
statement about the Poole Ellis situation.
All I've said is the statement
needs to irrefutable. There is also talk for requesting advice from a barrister.
I've said that you will be the best person ask on any possible action we can
take. Will be discussed on Saturday.
From Grev
Its like a deepening pit. I'm sure any official reply will generate
another thread that will be twisted and berated by Ellis. How many replies has
he posted. What a life, bitterer and bitterer.
ATB Grev
We can now
see why the BAB never did place a statement on the BAB website, or take any
legal action against Henry Ellis. The only statement that would be `irrefutable
` would have to be the truth ! hence no statement. They were now too busy
running for cover. Mr Cooke accuses Henry Ellis of being bitter. It is not
bitterness, but rather despair with people such as the likes of Mr Cooke, Ms
Timms and Toni Davis running the then inept executive team of the BAB.- Henry
Here is another email from Mr Sumpter to the Communications
officer. 23 – Aug - 2004
Thank you for your support .Just one thing, If
anyone asks you what Mr Ellis is on about regarding an apology from you, please
just say that it is a matter between you, the chairman and Mr Ellis. The need to
know basis must prevail in case Mr Ellis really does go to his solicitor.
Email from the (ex) BAB Communication Officer to
Henry Ellis - Extract Four.
“ Shirley Timms always made much fun that
your copies of letters were unsigned by her and on normal paper photocopied etc.
It seemed to give her purpose in life! “.
“” Ms Timms the official
secretary to the UK Aikido governing body amuses herself by deleting her
signature from any and all BAB related papers posted to Henry Ellis when he was
still a member and head of the ESTA association, also a founder member of the
BAB. Rather sad and unprofessional conduct “” Henry Ellis
It is sickening
to see below in the following email from the ex – BAB Communications Officer,
the good name of Ken Williams Sensei is used by the BAB exec. Williams Sensei
was the UK’s and K Abbe’s first Aikido student in 1955. Williams Sensei is the
most respected of all UK Aikidoka, he is being discussed during the carefully
doctored minutes at these furtive meetings at the home of Ms Timms. Is this the
kind of twisted legacy that we want to be left behind for future generations of
Aikidoka ??….. Henry Ellis
“Which again, I know to be a complete
pack of lies!”
From the (ex) BAB Communication Exec Officer extract one.
Dear Henry
I certainly at that time had no knowledge of the law
but it would have been along similar lines of you (which you were not, let make
that clear again) going around being the big bad guy sorting out other Aikido
clubs upon instruction from Ken Williams, i.e.. you were likened to being the
Aikido trouble-shooter and basically went to sort out all the wannabe's and
charlatans. You broke people in those clubs and taught them a lesson. I'm afraid
that to me, GBH and beating people up aren't that dissimilar, I had no idea GBH
was second to murder and no one accused you of that. It was simply me thinking
that ok, you beat someone up, got into trouble for it, got
off with it, but
you also considered yourself the self appointed aikido judge with other clubs
so, that to me, was worse than getting caught beating someone up, you used to do
it all the time anyway! based on what I was told that is. Which again, I know to
be a complete pack of lies. Cont; You were perceived by them ( BAB ) as a huge
trouble maker, they did not think it was a huge issue with the whole Jack Poole
thing. Again, this is before Vincent's time. I'll state this again for the
record, nothing of what I have said or quoted in here is anything other than the
truth and you NEVER were involved in any GBH charges.
How disgusting that
the very people who are elected to the Executive of the BAB, the only approved
governing body for Aikido within the UK, should act in such an unprofessional
cavalier manner. The BAB did not think the Poole affair was a `big thing` but a
person who questions the BAB and Mr Poole is perceived as a ` huge trouble maker
` These people have managed to keep this appalling behaviour from the very
membership they represent by failing to maintain honest meeting minutes. These
people are not the executives of a governing body, they are a crass
We have emails from Dominic Foster, a man of action! Who
proposes taking legal action and seeking the advice of barristers. Some may
remember Dominic’s vague interest in the history of UK Aikido when he attended
the “ Kenshiro Abbe 50th Celebration “ 2005 , this event was represented by Mr P
Don of Sport England – The Japanese Embassy UK – Mr R Otani The President of the
BJC, but not the BAB. Dominic states to a respected and honoured guest “ The
true celebration is not today, it is in two years time ! “ one has to beg the
question, if he really believed that to be the case ? what was he doing there on
such a fantastic day ? 1000 people either viewing or on the mat, a mat full to
total capacity with 425 students.
Another email from Grev Cooke showing
his contempt for John Harding a long serving BAB senior member who had simply
asked Mr Cooke a valid question. “””” I ignore Johns emails !!!! “”””” see Mr
Cooke’s email below.
From Grev Cooke BAB Coaching Officer
“In this
email I sent to all Tutors and Exec members , yourself obviously included? This
email didn’t go to John Harding. When I’ve Emailed John before I try to be
guarded in what I say. I know my emails will go to Harry Ellis!
I once
asked John who I was actually speaking to ie him or Harry. Normally I ignore
Johns Emails but in this case,
This was my reply shown. “ (
followed by a brief reply to John Harding )
( Yes ! John Harding
did send Henry Ellis one email detailing his frustration with the BAB coaching
system, an email which was a part of an email sent to all of his email contacts,
he was concerned about something with the BAB coaching.
If the BAB were
honest and open ? why would Mr Cooke “ try to be guarded “ in anything that is
honest and open BAB policy ? What gives Mr Cooke the right to decide which
member he will, or will not write to ? Once again we see by Mr Cooke’s example,
the BAB exec members acting with total contempt for the membership who they are
there to serve. and receiving a nice little members contributed honorarium for
their time. I am sure that John Harding will now fully understand why he was
treated in the disrespectful way he was by Mr Cooke and the BAB )
Amongst the many email copies I received, there was a reminder ( extract
below ) of a misguided but rather touching email from Gary Masters, writing on
behalf of the ` Ken Shin Kai, where he makes the following crass statement,
which I am sure at this time must be most comforting and reassuring for both the
BAB exec, Mr Poole - lets not forget Ms Timms.
The `Ken shin kai
`Aikido Organisation supports the claims of Jack Poole and the decisions of the
British Aikido Board UK!
From Gary Masters
To All that have
unwillingly been dragged into this petty dispute by the previous
The Ken Shin Kai Aikido Organisation UK supports the claims of
Jack Poole and the decisions made by the British Aikido Board UK. Mr Ellis has
damaged his own reputation and integrity by continually persecuting a fellow
Aikidoka and questioning his lineage and history in the Art Of Aikido, to the
point of obsession. As it contradicts a history being written by Mr Ellis
himself. There are many Aikidoka in the UK and it is taken that they speak in
truth and fairly about their lineage and history and grades held in Aikido. To
question another Aikidoka on such matters is not in following with the true
spirit of Aikido and achieves nothing for the positive development of the
Martial Art of Aikido. Mr Ellis has not only questioned Mr Poole's integrity but
he has decided to publicly persecute Mr Poole by publishing articles on multiple
web sites and making statements at many Aikido Dojos which themselves cannot be
confirmed as fact. He has never once taken the time or had the courage to speak
on a mutual and friendly basis with Mr Poole regarding this matter. Live and let
live, we say, and Mr Ellis should use his time better in the development of
Aikido than in the persecution of fellow Aikidoka.
Ken Shin Kai -
Yoshinkan Aikido Organisation UK
“” The above message from Gary Masters
of the Ken Shin Kai organisation, is exactly the reason that I have been
determined to get the true history of British
Aikido factually recorded.
People like Mr Masters and other loyal but just as sadly misguided students of
Mr Poole will churn out the above nonsense to support
Mr Poole despite
his proven fraudulent biography. We owe it to the young students today and of
the future to preserve the truth. signed Henry
information / emails and insight into the workings of the BAB are provided by
the Ex – BAB Exec Communications officer.
This documented article was
prepared and published by Henry Ellis of the - `Ellis Schools of Traditional
The above information clarifies the fact that the BAB were fully
aware of their error in their contemptuous support for Mr Jack Poole. Rather
than face the BAB membership and admit their crass conduct, the exec decided to
stand by their serious error of judgement along with Mr Poole. The only way to
justify this stand would be the defamation of the good name of Henry Ellis. Over
the years of this controversy there has been many rumours spread about Henry
Ellis that are totally unfounded. Mr Ellis does not even have points on his
driving licence never mind a criminal conviction.
Henry Ellis Shihan 6th Dan
International Birankai
Ellis Schools of Traditional
Aikido - Then and Now - 1955 - 2014
Henry Ellis - I am often asked the following question.
" What is the difference between the Aikido of the 1950s and the Aikido of today ?"

1950s - This was a time when all kyu and dan grades were highly respected, simply because everyone knew that even the lowest grade had been honestly earned through blood sweat and tears, not like today, often given as a Christmas present by your own students, or ordered online from the inept British Aikido Boards website for a modest fee.
Students never handed out titles to their own teachers, such as Shihan - Grandmaster - Soke - Hanshi - Doctor - Professor and any others you can think of. - Just imagine being at school and the kids informing the teacher that the class had jointly awarded him/her a PHD, now that would be worth six strokes of the cane on both hands in my school days.
Photo Left: Kenshiro Abbe teaching - Henry Ellis centre.
Kenshiro Abbe Sensei taught that uke should always attack on balance - today it is more often a ukemi attack with uke being overly compliant and acrobatic.
If you attack on balance, then the techniques have to be good to control the attacker - the nod of the head, and no touch throws would then be comical, sadly, many students show as much resistance as an unattached piece of string.
Importantly, it was a time when students did not grade their own teachers as so many do today.
It was also a time when there was no Aikido with ribbons, if anyone had been daft enough to come into the dojo with a bundle of coloured ribbons ? they would have been found hanging by them from the Hut Dojo roof beams.
It was a time when Aikido was a respected martial art, respected by all the other m/a.
If Abbe Sensei thought his teaching wasn't getting through - no words were spoken - Sensei would `tap` the offending body part with a crack of a Shiinai - this was a very successful method of teaching, it gained immediate attention, it would be a reminder and an indicator to the student what their problem was, no one ever complained - The Ki people would be in tears today.
It was a time when students would train hard, and the techniques would be strong and effective, everyone attacks a little different, therefore you cannot plan what your defense would be, the attacker makes your defense ( or not ) It was a time when people trained hard to understand the techniques - if, as so many do today, trying to scientifically analyze Aikido with engineering and physics, Aikido is natural movement, not for some, for example, if a student asked Kenshiro Abbe or Mutsuro Nakazono anything of a technical nature, they were told to practice with an ` empty mind ` only a clear mind will adsorb the knowledge.
Left: The 4th dan certificate presented to Kenshiro Abbe Sensei by Emperor Hirohito of Japan in the 1930s.
This was a time when Kenshiro Abbe sensei was the only 8th dan in the UK .

We now live in a different age, a crazy age, where 7th and 8th dans are like post-boxes, with at least one in almost every town and village in the UK, thanks to the inept - " BAB - you can grade yourself, or ask your students to grade you - and simply add ``British Aikido Board Approved ``. It is like ordering a doctorate online.
Aikido training In those early days by Kenshiro Abbe Sensei and with alittle encouragement of a Shinai, the traing was very physical, building fitness, fighting spirit, and physical and mental strength, after the warm up, there was always a session of kicking and punching techniques, this was followed with push-ups, depending on grade, with between 20 for beginners and two hundred for dan grades of push-ups on the back of the wrists.
It was also a time when all Aikido came under the respected `British Aikido Council` [BAC] overseen by Kenshiro Abbe Sensei and Ken Williams Sensei.
In later years we would see the creation of the so-called governing body for Aikido, the ` British Aikido Board` [BAB] - a body that started with good heart and honest intentions, only to become a an overly bureaucratic body that would recognize its own grandmother as an ` approved ` Hanshi or dan grade, an organisation that would later offer online dan grades for money.
The BAB would knowingly recognize well known fraudulent practitioners grades, publicly promote the offenders profile to its membership and the genral public.
The BAB allow the endless use and abuse of `` BAB Approved `` for the promotion of self appointed titles of Shihan - Hanshi - Grandmaster - Professor - Doctor - Soke .
The British Aikido Board has now become a home for the homeless, the established organisations such as the JAC and the BAA, which are creditable organisations who are all associated with Japan HQ - these organisations have resigned from the BAB.
Aikido Dancing - Aikido Ribbon Dance - Nodding Aikido - Fantasy Aikido -
Times change, people change, and Aikido will change - but sadly it is not always for the better.
`The Aikido Controversy`
Admin - Henry Ellis
Co-author of Positive Aikido`